Thursday, April 2, 2009

WOD 4-2-09

"1-20 " (or something like that)

20 ball slams, 20 sit-ups, 1 push-up
19 ball slams, 19 sit-ups, 2 push-up
18 ball slams, 18 sit-ups, 3 push-up
17 ball slams, 17 sit-ups, 4 push-up
16 ball slams, 16 sit-ups, 5 push-up
15 ball slams, 15 sit-ups, 6 push-up
14 ball slams, 14 sit-ups, 7 push-up
13 ball slams, 13 sit-ups, 8 push-up
12 ball slams, 12 sit-ups, 9 push-up
11 ball slams, 11 sit-ups, 10 push-up
10 ball slams, 10 sit-ups, 11 push-up
9 ball slams, 9 sit-ups, 12 push-up
8 ball slams, 8 sit-ups, 13 push-up
7 ball slams, 7 sit-ups, 14 push-up
6 ball slams, 6 sit-ups, 15 push-up
5 ball slams, 5 sit-ups, 16 push-up
4 ball slams, 4 sit-ups, 17 push-up
3 ball slams, 3 sit-ups, 18 push-up
2 ball slams, 2 sit-ups, 19 push-up
1 ball slams, 1 sit-ups, 20 push-up

Time: 23 minutes

Whoa. This one was a tough one for sure. That is a LOT of push-ups and that was by far the hardest part. I did them all regular - no knees. Although I am sure I was supposed to be going down a little further at the end, but man oh man I was just doing whatever I could. I drove home and nearly collapsed when I got out of my truck because my legs were just shot. That is a lot of squats as well, especially after last night. I think it totals out to 210 of everything. Mercy! Tomorrow off - thank goodness for that.

Also picked up some smoothies and met my sister Michelle today during her lunch break to walk around Lake Nassau Park. It was good to get another view of the layout of the park for the bootcamp, and to get out and walk. It was VERY windy and even though we had the wind behind us on the first leg of the walk, we were walking straight into it on the way back. I mean, this was serious wind. I wouldn't be suprised if it was 25-30 mph. So, we got some good resistance work in as we were struggling just to stay upright. A man rode by on a bike wearing a ridiculous hat and it blew right off, so that was pretty funny too.

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