Monday, May 4, 2009

WOD 5-2-09

"Let's Play Ball"

10 rounds for reps of:

30 seconds Wall-Ball (12 lb. ball, 8 foot target)
30 seconds Slam Ball (8 lb. ball)
1 minute rest

Total Reps: 354

This one was tough! I was the only one there on Saturday which was kind of good because it could have been pretty confusing with everyone calling out their reps. I could barely speak my reps as it was. Quads absolutely killed on Saturday evening/Sunday so I got some foam rolling in.

Didn't get much of a workout in on Sunday as it was a busy day, but I was able to do 3 sets of 25 shoulders presses with 40 lbs. (light weight with high reps, trying to build up some stamina) and did the same with upright rows. Then I went inside and did some "kettlebell" swings using an 8 lb. medicine ball with handles (VERY light weight, I know!) and I really worked on using my hips for momentum. Then I did some 1 arm db snatches with 10 lb. dbs (again, light, but all I had) and really focused on the shrug and bringing the elbow up and out. Then finished up with planks and some jumping pull-ups.

Then the real workout was mowing the yard - it was HOT. I mowed the front and the back, and it was the very back that got me. Our house backs up to a creek/bayou area and my dad likes to keep the grass in between our yard and creek mowed to cut down on snakes. It is on an incline and the grass was super high and thick because of all of the rain, so it took me just about all I had to mow that thing. I'm just guessing but I would say it is about 60 yards by 60 yards.

Into Taylor Monday night!

1 comment:

  1. Our grass was tall and thick due to rain, too - but at least our yard isn't at a 45 degree angle! I know that section has got to be tough to mow!

    PS: Why is dad worried about snakes with Kobe around? Is he still around?

    Oh and I saw a t-shirt with a slogan that might be good for your next round of CLBC t-shirts: "Our warm-up is your workout." Cheesy, yes, but also a little sassy.
