Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WOD 5-4-09

30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of
Virtual Shoveling (45 lb. bar with 10 lb. plate)
Pull-Ups (assisted with blue band for first set and then had to go with green for rest)

Time: 14:01

Well, my hands definitely paid the price for this one! There were several palm casualties last night and I was one of them. I basically ripped off the calluses beneath my middle fingers, about dime size rips. Not the best feeling in the world! I should have probably used more chalk or taped from the get-go. I didn't want to stop to chalk and waste time. But it was definitely a great workout and I was spent afterwards. I really felt the pull-ups and tried to use my hips for the kip. Virtual shoveling was MUCH better this time around - almost easy! I think I can go a little heavier next time, and I have no pain whatsoever in my lower back so I know I was using much better form.

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