Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WOD 12-19-09

Skill: Hold 1/4 bodyweight dumbbell overhead as long as possible.

I used a 40 lb. dumbbell (although 1/4 would techincally be 36):
Right arm - 1 minute 45 seconds
Left arm - 1 minute 20 seconds

Wow my left side sure is weak! I knew that beforehand, but I didn't know it was such a drastic difference.


4 rounds for time:
200 meter sandbag run (50 lbs.)
15 kettlebell swings (40 lbs.)
15 med ball cleans (12 lbs.)
20 overhead lunges (10k bumper plate)

Time: 16:17

This one was awesome. I felt great beforehand and during the WOD, and can tell that I am getting stronger and better endurance every day. I was pretty sore from Friday's two workouts, but I loosened up pretty quickly. I am looking at every workout as an opportunity to get better, with the goal of peaking at the sectional qualifiers in March.

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