- push-up/crunch countdown starting at 15 (15 push-ups, 15 crunches, 14 push-ups, 14 crunches...and so on until you get down to 1). I do these on my knees and want to continue to do on my knees and work my way up to starting at 20, and once I can do that I will probably try regular push-ups starting at 10.
- 3 x 15 superset of close grip bicep barbell curl/close-grip bench press (30# bar)
- 50 reps on leg extension machine (10 each at 75#/60#/45#/30#/15#)
- 3 x 20 leg lifts/hips raises (abs) on bench (10 lifts/10 raises)
- 3 x 10 squat w/ front raise - 25# plate (wide stance squat touching plate to floor, then raising plate from between legs up and over head)
- 3 x failure "shoulder march" - 25# plate (start with arms extended overhead holding plate, bring plate down to right shoulder while bringing right knee up, back overhead, down to left shoulder while bringing left knee up - that's 1) was able to do 10 reps, 8 reps, 7 reps
- bent knee raise on "Roman Chair" 3 x failure - 35/30/35
- finished with 30 minutes on LifeFitness Cross Trainer (kind of a first generation elliptical) "Hill" program (burned 375 calories and went 3.25 miles)
I'm telling you what, this workout surely kicked my butt. See below:
Feel much better now though! Got a good stretch in and about to take a nice hot shower and should be good to go. I have to train at the gym tomorrow 7:30 - 1:00 but only have clients at 8 and 9, so will be able to get in tomorrow's CrossFit workout while getting paid!
I'm thinking that maybe I can keep up with the CrossFit Kids workouts.