Monday, January 5, 2009

WOD 1-5-09

Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps.

Well so another pure strength workout. I woke up about 1 am and I was really feeling the soreness in my lower back (probably a little TOO sore in the lower back, need to work on form more for deadlifts) and glutes. Also, I am probably just about the clumsiest person there is, and on my way back from the bathroom at 1 am I banged my knee into the foot of the bed so hard that I scared poor little Pod to death. He jumped straight up and didn't know if he was coming or going. That hurt pretty bad for a few minutes but I was able to fall back asleep almost immediately. It didn't hurt at all this morning, but there is a pretty big indention on my knee cap so that is kind of wild. So anyways I got up at about 5:30 and made it to the gym at 6:15.

I've never done hang power cleans, but I watched the video of how to do them on and I thought they wouldn't be too bad. I did a 5 minute warm up on the CrossTrainer and then went over and got my bar set up. I did a few warm ups just to practice the movement at 45# (just the bar). I then did 70 pounds for each set - 7 sets of 1 rep. I only rested about 15 seconds between sets. It was tougher than it looks, and my traps, shoulders and forearms will definitely feel it tomorrow. I probably could have gone a little heavier, but again, I am just getting used to these lifts and I would rather do them in control at a lighter weight while I build up my strength and form.

After the cleans I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike, going a little over 4 miles on a "hill" program. I think I burned around 200 calories but I forget. I then hit the mat for abs:
  • 2x superset of 20 crunches and 20 oblique twists with 10 lb. med ball
  • 2x superset of 20 crunches with legs up and 20 "heel-touches" for the obliques

Then I finished with some stretches for my legs (especially hamstrings) and headed home. Workout was about 45 minutes long. I didn't want to overdo it today, because you never know what tomorrow's WOD will bring. Wednesday is a rest day I believe, and I am definitely going to take it. So if tomorrow's WOD is not as aerobic as I am hoping, I will through in some of my own stuff because I know I will have Wednesday to recover.

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