Monday, February 23, 2009

WOD 2-22-09 and 2-23-09

WOD 2-22

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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I did 75 lbs. for all 5 sets. Pretty light, I know, but I went butt-to back-of-calves so I was definitely feeling them.

WOD 2-23

As Rx'd -
For time:
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 18 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 500 meters
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
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I subbed 30 lb. Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls (basically a wide-stance deadlift into an upright row) for the rows as I don't have a Concept II rower...although I would love one. 10 SDHP = 100 meters.

What I did:
For time:
50 SDHPs
50 pound Push press, 21 reps
50 SDHPs
50 pound Push press, 18 reps
50 SDHPs
50 pound Push press, 15 reps
50 SDHPs
50 pound Push press, 12 reps

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My time for this was 17:13:16...and it was tough. My shoulders are (and will be) killing me. I did a warm-up run through an old golf course and wasn't exactly sure about mileage but it took me about 15:00 so I am guessing it was about a mile and a half. I was going pretty slow, because I knew I had a killer coming up with all of the SDHPs. Rest day tomorrow, but I am going to get a bike today (just a mid-range mountain bike) and will shoot for an 8-10 mile ride tomorrow morning.

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