Thursday, February 26, 2009

WOD 2-26-09

Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups
Post time to comments.

Wow. This one was a good one. My time was 14:03:20, with assissted pull-ups. But I am now doing kipping assissted pull-ups, and using just the tip of my foot on the chair, so I am definitely getting stronger. I did a 30 minute warm up ride on my bike, and will install the computer today so in the future I can see mileage. It will also be good to get mileage for running routes, as I can't really drive my truck onto the golf course. Yesterday's workout was heavy push-jerks, and I really like those so I think I will do them this afternoon to be caught up. It's a nice hot day outside, almost 80 degrees! So hopefully I can get a little sun too.

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