Friday, March 27, 2009

WOD 3-27-09

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

Tire Flips - 50 feet out and then back = 100 ft. total

15 med-ball slams

100 jump ropes

I completed 5 rounds with about ten seconds to spare. But man this was a good one, those tires get heavy. There were two tires, and I did 4 rounds with the lighter tire (still very heavy though!) and one with the heavier tire due to availabilty.

Another great workout. We worked some at the beginning on clean technique, and that will be what we focus on tomorrow as well, lift techniques. It sounds like I missed a great one yesterday with a big time metcon workout.

Shoulders are still feeling it from the heavy press day, triceps too.

Also, tire flips = not a good day to wear white shorts.

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