Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WOD 3-3-09


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Post time for each of five rounds to comments.

Round 1: 4:24
Round 2: 4:23
Round 3: 4:19
Round 4: 4:31
Round 5: 4:27

Wow. Well quads, it was nice knowing you. This one was a killer, but I really enjoyed it. I did this workout on 1-25-09 and here are my times from then:

Round 1: 5:11
Round 2: 4:53
Round 3: 5:28
Round 4: 4:43
Round 5: 5:03

I can't even believe how much I have improved! Round 3 was better by nearly a minute!! It's also interesting to see how Round 4 was my fastest round in January, but my slowest this time. I think I was trying to conserve energy last time and by the time I got to 4 I figured I might as well start pushing because I was nearly through. Well, this time I started pushing from the get-go. Also I am getting better and better at kipping pull-ups (the day I can kick that chair out of the way will be a MAJOR accomplishment) so those were quicker, and I tried my best to do the reps straight though, not to break up into 10s with a short rest. That was the most difficult with the squats. But on Round 4 when I sat down to start the sit-ups it took a lot for me to get moving again. So that wasted a little time. By round 5 I just wanted to be done.

I know my chest is going to be super sore from the push-ups tomorrow, and my quads, they probably won't be a whole lot better. Tomorrow will be a rest day and I will definitely take it. My last rest day was last Wednesday, so that works. Yesterday's WOD was heavy deadlifts..but I don't have a whole lot of weight to work with (95 lb. set) and I try and do at least 135 lbs. for heavy deadlifts. So, I went for a long run (30:00, a little over 3 miles) and stopped halfway at a park and did push-ups (2x25) using a picnic table and "box jumps" (2x25) using the bench seat of the picnic table. So, the push-ups aren't seeming like a such a good idea after the workout this morning, but oh well! Chiropractor tomorrow so that will be good to get adjusted. Had a spasm in my tricep all day after my last adjustment, so will be interesting to see if anything like that happens again.

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