Friday, April 10, 2009

WOD 4-10-09

5 Rounds For Time:

400 meter run
5 Hand Stand Push Ups
Tire Flips
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Time: 25:16
Was another good one! And it was HOT! I was drenched with sweat which was really good. I really enjoy the WODs with running in them because I feel like I can gain always gain some time on that leg. The hand stand push ups were by far the toughest thing for me as I have never actually done them before (upright). But with the help from Laura and a barbell in the power rack, and her daughter securing the bar, I was able to eek out the 5 per round. My traps were absolutely killing me from the other day, and I am guessing it is from the shrugging while doing Wednesday's overhead squats.

Boot camp tomorrow at 8am and I have got a good workout in store for the ladies. Then I'll head over to Taylor Sport for the 10am workout and hopefully we will be doing "Fran". I am going to bust my butt to get a really good time on this one - it is 21-15-9 thrusters and pull-ups. At least I think those are the reps, I will post the workout tomorrow at any rate.

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