Thursday, April 9, 2009

WOD 4-8-09

For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (reps) of:

Wall Ball (12 lb. ball, 8 foot mark)
Box Jumps (24 inch box)
Overhead Squat (45 lb. bar)
KB Swings (26 lb. kettlebell)

Time: 22:46

Well it was another packed house is which is awesome but made for an interesting workout! There was 8 of us working out and with all of the equipment needed for this workout our trainer Laura had to get pretty creative. She did a great job though and I think everything went smoothly. I have never done box jumps on an actual box, before I went to Taylor I would use the porch or a picnic table. I though the 19 inch box might be a little tough so I tried one jump and it wasn't too bad. Laura then asked if anyone wanted to graduate up to the 24 inch box, and Steve and Tiffany tried it out and went for it. Being pretty competitive, I figured I could do it too. My first attempt didn't go so well as I had psyched myself out and could only see bloody shins in my future. But Tiffany encouraged me to keep trying and I tried again and got it! Once I knew I could do it, it was easy.

That is what I really like about working out at Taylor Sport, the comradarie and support and encouragement from Laura as well as everyone working out. Today is my off day but I did a few core things this morning, although my core is pretty fried from the overhead squats. Might work on my kipping "swing" in a bit too. Train Michelle and mom tonight and then in to workout tomorrow at 10 am.

I thought I would post a picture here of my wonderful family. All that is missing is my brother-in-law Chad and my B!

1 comment:

  1. What a good looking bunch! And that is quite the run on sentence in your first paragraph.
