Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WOD 4-20-09

3 Rounds for Time:

Run 400 meters
30 Overhead Squats (22 lbs.)

Time: 10:51

I went pretty light on this one with the weight for the OS because I really wanted to focus on my form. The last time I did OS I let me ego decide how much weight I should do and I went with the 45 lb. bar. My trainer Laura and I both agreed that it would be much better to use a lighter weight and develop form first, strength later. So thanks Laura, because I probably would have hurt myself after 90 reps!
My hips were super super tight, they started feeling really tight on Sunday and never really loosened up. Luckily everyone at the 6pm class was a little tight so we took some time with stretching before the workout. I also bought a foam roller for Dr. Taylor which awesome yet incredibly painful. I am definitely going to spend my evenings rolling around on that thing, because I know my legs will thank me later. Also I am going to start running more, nothing big, just 20 - 30 minutes every morning.
So, goals for next time is a faster time (sub 10:00) with a slightly heavier bar (35 lbs).

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