Friday, July 10, 2009

WOD 7-8-09

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

2 muscle ups (scaled - from the knees)
4 handstand pushups (scaled - toes on bench)
8 kettlebell swings (40 lb. db)

Rounds: 15 + 1 db swing

Man oh man, I can't say that I was looking forward to this one. I just can't pull it together for the handstand pushups, so I'm not a huge fan of any workout that includes them. But, I know that I will surely never get them if I continue to avoid them. So, I will try to be better. We attempted a few using a barbell on the racks for assistance and I thought that would be okay, but as soon as I got up there I just crumpled, so I headed to the bench for the rest of the workout.
I was feeling kind of weird, stomach was feeling funny, and as soon as I went upside down for the hspu, I got a horrible taste in my mouth and was pretty close to getting sick. Not sure why that was, but I am certain that had I been feeling 100% I could have got at least a couple more rounds, if not 20. And my hands were pretty torn up, so my grip suffered on the db swings. How's that for a bunch of excuses! Basically, it was a great workout and it kicked my butt, but I know I could have done better. Looking forward to those rings getting higher and higher on the muscle ups.

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