Sunday, January 24, 2010

WOD 1-22-10

Olympic Lifting WOD, Friday evening

Overhead squats with 3 second hold at bottom: 5 x 3
15k - 25k - 35k - 35k - 35k

Coach Thea had us really focus on "sinking it" at the bottom and hanging out down there for 3 seconds to build confidence for catching it low on the snatch. When she said sink it, she meant ass to floor. These were definitely tough, but being able to do 35k for 3 sets really built my confidence for the snatch.

Snatches (with focus on catching low, rather than a power snatch into overhead squat): 8 x 2
15k - 15k - 20k - 25k - 27.5k - 35k - 35k - 35k

35k seems to be my sticking point for now - and up until today I have always been timid and caught it in a "power" stance. I was able to do a full snatch at 35k with catching it low, so that was awesome. Gotta clean up the technique a little bit and I'll be able to add some weight on there soon.

Front squats: 5 x 5
35k - 45k - 45k - 50k - 55k

1 comment:

  1. Ass to the floor! Oh mercy. I can't imagine it! I still feel bad for kicking you in the shin when my foot was caught up in that pull-up band.
