Thursday, January 7, 2010

WOD 1-7-10

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -1

80k - 85k - 95k: maxed out 95k, which is well below my PR, just feeling weak! Have felt on the verge of a cold the past few days and I guess that's what it was.



Thrusters (65 lbs.)

Time: 7:35

I was not expecting that time at all! It is a PR by 5:40! The last time I did Fran was 10/15 and my time was 13:15. I thought surely my time would be bad after doing so poorly on the deadlift.

But, I am very happy that I did well! And I say "well" relatively - I know I need to be around 5:00 to hang with the elite Crossfitters. But at least I am moving in that direction!

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